Professional Development Christian Academy


Purpose Statement

In support of Christian Academy’s mission to develop students’ hearts for God, the purpose of Professional Development at Christian Academy School System is to inspire and equip faculty and staff with resources to grow in their professional skills and love for

God, students, and subject.

Image of God Conference

February 16 & 17

Christian Academy hosted a two day conference at Graceland Church in New Albany, Indiana that covered four main themes: Spiritual Formation, Biblical Unity, Sexuality, and Social and Emotional Wellness. These themes are pressing topics within our schools and we want to equip our teachers to pour into the lives of your children.

Session Speakers & Topics

Susan Allen: A Fresh Paradigm for Faith Formation

Christopher Yuan: He Made Them Male and Female: Sex, Gender, and the Imago Dei

Gregory Dyson: Inter Ethnic Relationships

Dr. Kevin Chapman: Out of the Garden 2: Building the capacity to experience positive emotions

Althea Penn: Teaching the Younger Learners Head, Heart & Hands

Cassi Martin: Every Tongue, Every Tribe, Every Nation in the classroom: The "other" blended family

Jarvis Williams: Redemptive Kingdom Diversity in Christian Education as An Alternative to "Colorblindness" and "Antiracism": Biblical and Theological Guidance for Christian Educators in Their Pursuit of Biblical Unity

Mike Cosper: More Than Meets the Screen: Identity in the age of social media

Tyler McKenzie: Auditing Your Influences

Dr. Justin Irving: Self Leadership and the Vocation of Teaching

Gregory Dyson: Civil Rights Experience

Althea Penn: Cultivating Resilience in Light of the Effects of COVID-19 on Emotional Wellbeing

Dr. Gregg Allison: “I am my body:” Affirming Human Creation as Embodied, Gendered/Sexed Image Bearers

Joel Hazard: Cultural Conversations

Ami Stephens: Align, Attune, Affirm & Attend: The 4 A's of Acknowledging Mental Health with Students

Timothy Paul Jones: What Do You Meme You Don't Believe the Bible? Five Truths that Will Help Your Students - and You! - Trust the Truth of Scripture

Althea Penn: Unity in the Midst of Diversity

Daniel Mingo: Beyond Surviving: From Overcome to Overcomer

Ace Hubbard & Adrienne Crosby: If the quality of our care is the platform for our witness...How are we doing?

Gail Bibb: I'm NOT a Therapist: How knowing a little can make a BIG Impact

Colleen Ramser: Shattered Faith: Understanding Spiritual Abuse, Its Impact & Limiting Unintentional Harm

Dr. Brian Hinton: Engaging Gen Z

Teacher & Staff Reflections...

The change in yourself will start to change others. Focus on your relationship with God first and that will radiate.

God's unconditional love is not the same as God's unconditional approval.

Don’t focus on hopelessness, but on hopefulness.

My job is not to raise Christian children but to model a Christian life.

Trust God for provision, be in His word & pray/fast, be obedient

Emotions are not the problem-how we learn and respond to emotions is

We don't have to "wait" to do the things God wants us to do.

Teacher & Staff Quotes...

System Employee

I want to be able to apply the truths from today in ways that can support our students and families

Elementary School Teacher

Day one was great!!! Something I heard in the hall today was, "I don't know how they'll top this next year!"

Middle School Teacher

I was blown away by the quality of speakers and each session. I learned so much that I was sharing with everyone (and am still processing and sharing). After working at a public school where our PD days felt monotonous and painful, it is a breath of fresh air to be at a private school where I get to worship God and learn how to love and serve not just my students, but everyone in my life. This conference was such a gift!

High School Teacher

I thought this was the best PD that we’ve had. I think the topics were well done, and they were done biblically.



K-12 Schools,



Taylor University

Boyce College

Asbury University

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

UofL Baptist Campus Ministry

Frankfort Christian School

Portland Christian School

Wheaton Christian School

Heritage Christian School

Fellowship Christian School

Graceland Church

Northeast Christian Church

Phos Church